Our Plants


We process seeds and manufacture Grapoila products – from raw material intake to packaging – in our own plants at two locations in Hungary.

Oil Pressing Plant and Central Warehouse, Püspökladány

Since its inception, and since 2023 also our central warehouse, our oil pressing plant has been located in Püspökladány, in the Sárrét micro-region in the eastern part of the country. Our very first press was a machine of our own design, optimized for grape seeds. Today we press more than 20 types of seeds, which required the rapid and continuous development of our presses. This made it possible for us to efficiently press even rare, hard, and difficult-to-process seeds, such as rosehip seeds.

In addition to the press park, the Püspökladány plant has all the machines and equipment necessary for filtering, settling, and pelletizing oils, as well as for filling and labeling products. There are suitable rooms and conditions for storing finished products and raw materials. The plant operates in three shifts to meet demand quickly and continuously.

The plant has the most modern food industry certifications, including:

  • BIO certification for the processing of controlled organic raw materials according to the regulations. This is why our product portfolio includes both conventional and organic products.
  • Gluten-free certification: The plant only handles gluten-free raw materials, and cross-contamination cannot occur during production.
  • Kosher certification: Our products – with the exception of grape seed products – are kosher certified.

In addition to zero waste food production, we also take environmental aspects into account when operating the plant. We disinfect with vinegar and clean the components in a bio detergent system. We rent wiping cloths from a company to which we return the used oil-soaked cloths so that they can extract the oil content with heating value. We also prefer environmentally friendly solutions for product packaging. We use recycled cardboard boxes for shipping orders and we also draw the attention of our customers to their recycling.

The Püspökladány site will soon be expanded by a new production hall within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 tender (link: About us, tenders), which will allow us to increase the production volume of seed creams.

Seed Preparation and Natural Cosmetics Plant, Szerencs

Raw materials requiring preparation arrive at our Szerencs site before pressing. Here they undergo separation, drying, and sorting, and only then are the clean, dry seeds sent to the Püspökladány pressing plant. The location of the site is favorable, as the most processed raw material is grape pomace, most of which comes from the nearby Tokaj wine region. After separation, the grape skins and seeds are dried. The drying unit is heated with unusable parts of the seed coat.

Another important profile of the Szerencs plant is the production of natural cosmetics, which has been coordinated by a serious team of development engineers for several years. Here we manufacture soaps, lip balms, bath salts and we also manufacture our own products for many domestic and foreign partners (body lotions, creams, etc.).

The ECO approach is also very important in the case of cosmetics. These products also contain 100% natural ingredients, and we also place great emphasis on environmentally friendly packaging. We wrap the soaps in paper coated with carnauba wax, which protects them from light and drying out, and the lip balms are placed in special paper tubes.

Both of our manufacturing plants provide a livelihood for many families in areas with a worse employment situation.