Grapeseed oil

The Grapoila Grapeseed Oil has won the two-star award at the Great Taste in 2020 (The Great Taste Award is the most famous food tasting contest in the world based on blind testing). 

Grapeseed oil is made of the seeds of sun-ripened grapes. Cold pressed grapeseed oil is dark green in colour, with a distinctive flavour similar to that of processed grapes. It plays an important role in a modern healthy diet. This oil is easily digestible and cholesterol-free. Due to its resveratrol content, it has strong antioxidant properties. Because of its bactericide effect, it can be effectively used on dry skin with eczema and in the treatment of other inflammatory diseases. It is very effective as a hair and skin-care product as it is absorbed easily and quickly. It is also great for treating cellulite.Thanks to its many beneficial physiological characteristics, it is considered one of the most valuable kinds of vegetable oil. It can be used for frying, cooking, seasoning pastry and stuffing of cakes, for seasoning soups, meats, sauces, decorating and flavouring salads.

Also available in organic version.

Nutritional values

  • Energy (KJ / Kcal) 3694/898
  • Fat (g/100g) 99,81
  • – of which are saturated fatty acids (g/100g) 11,69
  • Monounsaturated fatty acid (g/100g) 15,75
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g/100g) 72,37
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (g/100g) 0,35
  • Omega-6 fatty acids 72,20
  • Carbohydrate (g/100g) 0,05
  • – of which is sugar (g/100g) <0,03
  • Protein (g/100g) <0,2
  • Salt (g/100g) 0,125
  • Vitamin E (mg/100g) 6,32
  • E-vitamin (mg/100g): 6,32

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