Paprika seed flour

Paprika seed flour, made of the seeds of paprika is a real Hungarian curiosity. It is rich in fiber, minerals and natural colors. This flour has a milder taste than paprika and can therefore be used more diversely in various dishes. It is ideal for preparing breaded meats, vegetables or savoury, especially Hungarian dishes.

Nutritional values

  • Energy (KJ / Kcal) 1490/316
  • Fat (g/100g) 22,6
  • – of which are saturated fatty acids (g/100g) 3,05
  • Carbohydrate (g/100g) 2,16
  • – of which is sugar (g/100g) 1,45
  • Protein (g/100g) 21,1
  • Salt (g/100g) 0,07
  • Vitamin E (mg/100g) 11,40

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