Paprika seed oil
Our red paprika seed oil contains more than 50% of unsaturated fatty acids, out of which the polyunsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid and the monounsaturated oleic acid are especially noteworthy.
It stimulates digestion and it can have a beneficial effect on rheumatism when applied topically by rubbing it onto the problematic parts of the body.
Due to its capsaicin content, it stimulates blood circulation, increases metabolism, accelerates digestion and energy use in fat cells. Therefore it can play an important role in weight loss. It also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and gastrointestinal protective effects.
Paprika seed oil is a special oil with a pleasant taste and aroma. Do not heat! It is mainly recommended as a salad oil but you can always use it when you are looking for some extra taste or the bright red color of paprika oil. It is also great for seasoning meat, fish (once they are ready to serve) and sandwiches.
It is available in hot and mild versions.
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