Cherry thistle biscuits Dessert Vegetarian


  • 100 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 80 g sugar
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 50 g milk thistle seed flour
  • 50 g cherry jelly

I melted the butter until soft (but not runny) and mixed it with the sugar until fluffy, then I mixed in the whole egg and added the flour. I “squeezed” the cherries and chopped them finely, then added them to the dough and mixed the whole thing together. I divided the dough into two parts and formed them into cylinders, then wrapped them in cling film one by one and put them in the fridge for 2 hours (min. 1) to rest.

I preheated the oven to 180 degrees (bottom to top oven). I sliced the cylinders into finger-thick slices and placed them on baking paper. I made enough for two pans and baked them on the top shelf for 12-15 minutes.
