Mustard seed flour pasta with tenderloin Main dish

Mustard flour is a pungent, ochre-yellow mustard seed flour similar to English mustard powder. Interestingly, the mustard seed oil is not at all pungent, while the flour is strong. The cooked pasta already loses much of its raw mustard flavour.


  • 500 g tenderloin
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 50 g mustard seed flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • dried and fresh basil
  • 1 chilli
  • 2 tbsp mustard seed oil

I mixed the flours, 1 tsp salt and the egg, then took the dough in my hands and kneaded it until it was silky and completely smooth. I wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge to stand for half an hour.

I turned the oven on to 150 degrees to preheat the meat.

I stretched the cooled dough to finger thin with a rolling pin, then gradually stretched it thinner and thinner with the rolling pin. When it was the right thickness (thinness), I rolled it up with a good flour and cut it into strips with a knife, effectively making a noodle.

I salted, peppered and seasoned the tenderloin with basil and then seared the edges of the meat over a high heat in mustard seed oil. I then put it in a 150 degree oven for 20 minutes to cook.

I cooked the pretty pasta strips in the flaming salted water for 2-3 minutes until tender, then I put them on a plate and served them with the sliced meat, chilli rings and fresh basil. I drizzled with a little more mustard seed oil.
