Zucchini pancakes Main dish Quick Salty Vegetarian


  • 800 g courgettes (zucchini)
  • 300 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 to 3 sprigs of spring onion
  • 1 small clove of garlic
  • salt
  • pinch of freshly ground pepper
  • grapeseed oil for frying

Grate the courgettes and salt them with the chopped spring onion and the greens. After 5-10 minutes, squeeze out the water and stir in the rest of the ingredients with the crushed garlic. In a pan, heat 3-4 tbsp of grapeseed oil to give the flapjacks a little extra flavour. Smooth a heaping tablespoon of pasta in the pan. The oil will only reach one side of the flapjack, so flip it over after about half a minute (when the edges start to brown on the bottom).

Excellent with cauliflower, pepper sour cream or dill sour cream with sheep’s cheese!

Extra tip for meat lovers: throw chunks of bacon on top of the frying flapjack. Toss the browned bacon on top and press it lightly into the top of the flapjack while it’s still raw, then flip it over to cook that part through.
