Humankind has known and used cold pressed oils for centuries (initially for sacral and cosmetic purposes then for consumtion), but their health enhancing effect has only been scientifaically proven not too long ago. Fortunately our elders did not wait for the appearance of sophisticated testing methods. They rather informed themselves empirically and in this case they found a real treasure.
Just as with humans…
Cold pressed oils are an extraordinary source of polyunsaturated fatty acids which play a vital role in the physiological processes of mammals. Their essential fatty acid content makes them very valuable since it’s a type of nutrient that cannot be reproduced by our bodies. Obviously, Omega-3 fatty acid can be found in fish and other sea animal meats too but by choosing oil mixes with linseed oil, the possibility of heavy metal pollution and allergic reactions to fish can be eliminated and herbivorous animals like rabbits and horses can consume it too.
Since the biologically active components of different oils vary, it was important in the development of Grapoila Animeal products to create effective mixes that are rich in fatty acids, vitamin E and other healthy components like thymoquinone, so they can simultaneously protect, heal and prevent the malfunction of various organs and bodily systems.

Pet problems caused by junk feeds?
Many health problems, like metabolic disorders, inflammatory problems and other diseases appearing in adulthood (like autoimmune diseases, problems of the muscular or bone system, arthritis, skin problems, itching, scaly or dry skin, aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, indigestion, food intolerance, colitis, diarrhea, cancer) can be linked to feeds of poor quality. According to Marianna Pinczés, the company’s managing owner, the biggest problem with the feed industry is that products contain everything, but the essential nutrients. Low quality gets compensated with flavor enhancers and food coloring to trick pet owners’ eyes. These products are also full of preservatives and emulsifiers so no wonder our pets have so many diseases and allergies.
Pets have no choice – but the owner has
Fortunately, during the lockdowns our pets got more into the spotlight – simply because we could spend more time with them. As they got more attention, some of us noticed extensive scratching, overweight or inappetence, changes in hair quality and quantity or less activity. These are the clearly visible signs of something not going the right way. In addition to the therapy advised by the vet, in some cases we can give our pets small doses from one of Grapoila’s Animeal oil mixtures, products that contain only natural components, without any additives, preservatives or colorants. The biggest advantage of cold pressing is that the valuable nutrients from the seeds all get preserved in the final product, so the oil mixes can be perfect to prevent these aforementioned health problems too. We shouldn’t forget, environmental harms, medical procedures and unhealthy eating can have the same negative effects on animals as on humans. These mixtures optimize the shifted Omega-6/Omega-3 fatty acid ratio, secure the presence of essential fatty acids, their inner antioxidant, polyfenol and phytosterol content provide support for the body.
Oil mixes – for different ages, sexes and states of health
Five distinct seed oils compose the basis of the three Grapoila Animeal oil mixes: linseed oil, hempseed oil, milk thistle seed oil, pumpkin seed oil and black cumin seed oil. All mixes can be safely consumed by carnivores and hebrivores too. (Due to its black cumin seed oil content, it is not recommended for cats, we are going to develop a special oil blend for them soon.) The oil combinations were compiled considering scientific research data and can have beneficial effects on skin and hair conditions (like skin diseases, infections, allergies, hair loss, eczema, wounds and scabs), bone growth, on the immune and nervous system, the cicrulatory system, the respiratory and digestive system, and can have anti-infammatory, antimicrobial and antitumor effects.
Based on the characteristics of the different mixtures Active oil mix is recommended for animals having an active lifestyle, like sport dogs, sport horses, working animals and for animals expecting and lactating offsprings, who are especially in need of bone strenghtening. It supports the circulatory system, reduces the body’s inflammatory processes (in joints, the gastrointestinal tract, skin or kidneys) and has beneficial effects on the nervous system and easing symthoms of stress.
Balance oil mix is recommended for all ages but especially for older animals, technically supports the functioning every organ system (like the immune system), has anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-carcinogenic effects and fastens regeneration.
Immune oil mix fortifies the body against sicknesses and diseases, supports the circulatory system, enhances bone growth, has antimicrobial and anti tumor effects.
Due to its black cumin seed oil content, it is not recommended for cats, we will soon develop a special oil blend for them.